06/11/2009 True Valiance December Euro Tour - Book now!

True Valiance are heading out to Europe in December, got a few dates left to fill........

• Dec 4th – Belgium, Kortrijk @ Reflex
• Dec 5th – Belgium, East Flander @ Klokhuis
• Dec 6th - Belgium, Maraquain @ Au bon vieux temp
• Dec 7th - France @ TBC, Lyon
• Dec 8th - France - Show pending @ Rennes
• Dec 9th - AVAILABLE
• Dec 10th - Holland, Amsterdam @ The Cave
• Dec 11th – AVAILABLE
• Dec 12th - Holland, Den Haag @ Musicon

If anyone on here can suggest any decent promoters in West Germany / Eastern or Central France then please post up links in here. We're cool with taking a day off on the 11th as we can chill in Amsterdam for the day, but we wanna get in touch with as many promoters as possible to try and book up the 9th AND get some backups in case the 8th doesnt go ahead.

Any contacts people can suggest will be warmly received!!!
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